Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Hallow (HOLY) Ween?!?!

I know this is a big weekend...lots of costumes, candy, parties , is Halloween! But have you ever wondered WHY it is such a big deal? How are we as Catholic Christians supposed to respond to Halloween?

The truth is we SHOULD be partying! Halloween (or all Hallows eve) is the even before one of the biggest, sweetest feast in our church:ALL SAINTS DAYS!! All Saints are rock-stars and people we should spend more time learning about and imitate/learn from their lives but check out this tid bit I found from life teen about what Halloween/All Saints day is all about...the martyrs of the church! Now those are some hard core folks...

"Before Christianity came to Europe, the eve of November 1st was a common day of celebration for many Celtic tribes living in modern-day Great Britain. In preparation for the beginning of winter, the people of the land would ring in the new year by celebrating the souls of the dead. They believed that all those who had died, including evil spirits, would come out on this night. To scare these spirits away they would dress in disguise, wearing masks. Over the years, new traditions were added. More decorations and the incorporation of common foods we see today on Halloween (apples and cider) became common. However, Halloween did not technically adopt its Catholic ties until 835 when Pope Gregory IV moved the celebration honoring all martyrs of the Church from May 13th to November 1st. Many of these martyrs are also saints. This holy day eventually became known as All Saints Day. All Saints Day is still observed on November 1st, followed by All Souls Day on November 2nd. The attire of participants on All Hallows Eve started to change as well. No longer did people dress to scare away evil spirits, but instead dressed up as saints to honor those who had died for their faith."

...So while you are getting all strung out on sugar this weekend and while you are getting that costume ready, remember where it all started and take a minute to remember those people who have given their lives for our Faith. Now THEY are people to dress up as for Halloween!

Happy All Saints Day!!

All You Holy Men and Women, Pray for us!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Halloween Extravaganza!!

St. Andrew's Youth Group Presents:

A Night of Halloween Fun For All!!!

Who doesn't love to dress up in crazy costumes and have a good time?!

Costume Contest!
Goodie Bags!
Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin may make an appearance...You never know!

Bring a friend AND bring a bag of your favorite halloween candy to share!!!

**All costumes must be tasteful. Nothing negative or scary...have fun with it! The crazier the better!!**