Saturday, January 29, 2011

March for Life 2011

"America you are beautiful, and blessed...The ultimate test of your greatness is the way you treat every human being, but especially the weakest and most defenseless. If you want equal justice for all and true freedom and lasting peace, then America, defend life."- John Paul II

On Monday, hundreds of thousands of Americans marched in prayerful protest for those who are unable to stand up for themselves because they were never given a chance to live. Over 30,000 of those in attendance were young people who began the day by gathering for Mass with Cardinal Wuerl. 30,000 young people chose to speak up for those who don't have a voice. 30,000 young people made it known that they will not let the culture of death have the final world. The message of the day was that of love. No matter what the offense, and no matter what the opinion, the only way we will begin to see a change is by loving each and every person that is in front of us.  This generation is willing a ready to love until they see change in this world and that gives me such hope for our future as a Church and as a nation. 30,000...and that was just in DC today. This generation has a mission and I have no question that they will make their voices heard. Don't believe me? Everyone is talking about it: See?

Here are a few highlights of the day:

Up bright and early and ready for the day!

Just a few young people waiting outside of the Verizon Center!

A little break dancing before mass?? Why not?

Cardinal Wuerl was smiling all morning. The youth brought him such joy!

Let the March begin...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Summer Service Opportunity! Encounter the Gospel of Life Service Camp!

Need something to do this summer? Want a chance to serve? Want a chance to grow in your faith, serve others and have fun at the same time?? Join St. Andrew's Youth Group at Encounter this summer!!

Encounter is a week long service camp/retreat program at the
University of Maryland that gives teens the opportunity to serve those
in their local community while growing deeper in their faith and
having fun at the same time! You don't want to miss out!

Total Cost is: 425.00 and fundraisers may be available.

A signed Letter of Intent and deposit of $100 must be handed in no
later than January, 30, 2011 in order to reserve our group a spot.

All forms can be found in the back of church or can be emailed to you upon request.

For more information check out Encounter's Website,
 or email Joanna Moleski at:

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Just a little Epiphany

Word: Epiphany
Definition: "an appearance or manifestation" or if you go to the first definition you will find is: "a Christian festival, observed on January 6, commemorating the manifestation of Christ to thegentiles in the persons of the Magi; Twelfth-day." Who would've thought that even would know the true meaning behind  celebrating "Epiphany"? I was certainly a little surprised. 

Anyway, as a little girl Epiphany was simply a day that meant we could FINALLY take our Christmas tree down and put it out to be collected by the trash men just like everyone else already had...days before. I didn't understand why Christmas ended for everyone else and kept going to those of us that lived in my house. Now that I'm older and wiser (ha!) I find myself wanting to take in every minute of the 12 days of Christmas that we as Catholics set aside to celebrate the coming of our Savior as one of us. Epiphany over the last few years has been a sad day. I don't want Christmas to end. But this year is different. 

Why should I be sad that Advent is over if it means that Jesus was born and Christmas has begun?! Why should I be sad that the Christmas season is ending on Epiphany if it means that He has chosen to make Himself known to all people?! I got sad because once Epiphany comes it feels like it is all over...done..finished. No more "Joy to the worlds" or "Oh come all ye faithfuls" will be sung, the tree and lights and decorations will be taken down, and it will be over. SO. NOT. TRUE. My own little epiphany this year was that it is FAR from over at the end of this day. Jesus came as one of us. He came. He lived. For us. With us. He came...and He will come again! Our lives should be lived as a constant advent...with expectation, preparation of our hearts and waiting for Him to come again. And, like the Magi, we should be seeking Him out daily, willing to leave everything behind as He calls us closer to His heart. 

So this year let us not just move on to the next thing as we pack away our trees and nativity scenes, but instead, resolve to seek the Christ child and follow Him with hearts like the Magi...Oh, come, let us adore Him...