Thursday, December 23, 2010

Advent Challenge Day 23

What does Christ's coming into the world mean for your life? We often think about what His life means for all of humanity but today answer this question: What does the birth of Jesus mean for me and my life? Sit with it. Pray with it. Wait. He is coming...Emmanuel...God. With. Us. Are you ready?? Christmas is upon us!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Advent Challenge Day 22

Today, pray for all those who are suffering during this season...that they may know the comfort of our God who is with us.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Advent Challenge: Day 21

During this season we have been preparing our hearts and our souls for the coming of our King. Many of us have taken advantage of the sacrament of reconciliation as part of this journey or preparation. We have asked forgiveness and it has been granted. Is there anyone that you need to ask for forgiveness? Have your hurt or offended anyone? Not loved as you should? Today, apologize to someone you have wronged and seek their forgiveness.

Advent Challenge: Day 20

Today, refrain from doing something that you know negatively effects another person. Even if it isn't "bad" but you know it annoys someone, just say no. :)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Advent Challenge Day 16-19

This weekend, pay close attention to how often to you surround yourself with "noise". I love music, and tv, and the internet as much as the next person, but how often to we fill our lives with noise instead of just sitting in silence and trying to hear His voice speaking to our hearts? Pay attention to your down time, and instead of laying around listening to music or playing on facebook try sitting in silence. Even 5 minutes has potential to change your day!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Advent Challenge: Day 15

We are blessed to know Christ and to be celebrating this season!Today, take a few moments and say a prayer (a rosary, perhaps?!) for those who do not know Christ or fully understand the significance of this blessed season. Pray that He would make Himself known to them no matter where they are!

Christmas Movie Night/Gift Exchange!

St. Andrew’s Youth Group

Christmas Movie Night/Gift Exchange!!

Who is invited?   YOU!
When?                 Sunday, December 19, 2010
What Time?         7:00-9:00PM
Where?               St. Andrew Apostle Kominski Room

Bring a WRAPPED $5-$10 gift to put into our gift  exchange game!

** Please bring a holiday snack (or any favorite) to share!**

Questions? Please Call Joanna at (301) 287-8209

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Daily Advent Challenge: Day 14

Spend today in a conscious effort to understand that fact that you are deeply loved by God. Try to rid your thoughts of the "ifs", and the conditions that distract you from the truth of His deep love for you.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Daily Advent Challenge: Day 13

Advent is a reminder that we as Christians are in a constant state of preparation. We should always be in a state of readiness for our Lord to come. Wake up 15 minutes early, or go to bed 15 minutes later in order to devote time to watchful waiting a prayer. Spending time with the One for whom we are waiting is how we can be most ready!

Daily Advent Challenge: Day 12

Just as Jesus knew Mary and Elizabeth needed each other's love and support through their journeys, He also knows that we need the love and support of those around us in this daily life. Offer gentle assistance to someone in your life who is in need: of praise, of a good word, of day-brightening laughter.

Daily Advent Challenge: Day 11

It is easy to be distracted by the chaos of the world during this season of anticipation and preparation. How can we refocus when we find ourselves distracted?
A prisoner of war spent part of his time in prison in an effort to remember all the words of the 23rd Psalm. Often, in difficult situations or times of distraction we are at a loss for words to pray. Memorize a prayer that you  feel will help you re-focus in these times. It can be from scripture, or a prayer you have always known and loved.

Daily Advent Challenge: Day 10

How are we seeking God's plan in our daily lives? Obedience to God's plan for us can be lived in many different ways. Maybe it is in doing our homework when we don't feel like it. Maybe it is holding our tongue instead of speaking words that will only tear down...obedience and saying "yes" to God's desires for us is a life long journey. Today, give a "yes, always" instead of a "yes, but" to God's requests; the word "but" inserts a condition into our relationship with God and signifies less than whole hearted acceptance. 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Advent Challenge: Day 9

Today, pick one Christmas song and spend time not only listening closely to the words but really pay attention to what they are saying. Lyrics to Christmas songs speak to deeper parts of our hearts than we realize. 

This is the song I'm focusing on today:

Oh, Come, Oh, Come Emmanuel 
Translated: John Neal, 1818-66

Oh, come, oh, come, Emmanuel, 
And ransom captive Israel, 
That mourns in lonely exile here 
Until the Son of God appear. 
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel 
Shall come to you, O Israel!

Oh, come, our Wisdom from on high, 
Who ordered all things mightily; 
To us the path of knowledge show, 
and teach us in her ways to go. 
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel 
Shall come to you, O Israel!

Oh, come, oh, come, our Lord of might, 
Who to your tribes on Sinai's height 
In ancient times gave holy law, 
In cloud and majesty and awe.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel 
Shall come to you, O Israel!

Oh, come O Rod of Jesse's stem, 
From ev'ry foe deliver them 
That trust your mighty pow'r to save; 
Bring them in vict'ry through the grave. 
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel 
Shall come to you, O Israel!

Oh, come, O Key of David, come, 
And open wide our heav'nly home; 
Make safe the way that leads on high, 
And close the path to misery. 
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel 
Shall come to you, O Israel!

Oh, come, our Dayspring from on high, 
And cheer us by your drawing nigh, 
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, 
And death's dark shadows put to flight. 
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel 
Shall come to you, O Israel!

Oh, come, Desire of nations, bind 
In one the hearts of all mankind; 
Oh, bid our sad divisions cease, 
And be yourself our King of Peace. 
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel 
Shall come to you, O Israel!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Advent Challenge: Day 9

Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception!! On this day when we celebrate our Blessed Mother, conceived without sin, let us ask for her intercession on our lives as we continue to prepare for the coming of her Son. Today pray a decade of the rosary, asking Mary to pray that we would continue to turn FROM sin and TOWARD her son. 
PS-Don't forget to get to Mass today!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Advent Challenge: Days 7 and 8

Oops! Just because yesterday was my day off doesn't mean we should have taken a break from the challenge! My apologies!
Today, as we prepare for the Word to dwell among us, lets pay close attention to the words that leave our mouths throughout the day. Are they uplifting? Kind? Do they serve a purpose? Do they reflect the love we are called to share to those around us? Do they give God glory?
Think about those things...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Advent Challenge: Days 5 and 6!

Hey hey! These 2 challenges go hand in hand...Over these two days choose one thing that you are willing to give up for the day (music, the internet, gossiping, etc.) AND when you would normally do those things try to better fill your time, whether it be praying for the thing/person you've committed to pray for this advent or spending time with family, reading, or just sit and enjoying the break from the noise around you! 

Friday, December 3, 2010

Advent Challenge: Day 4

Today, when you are tempted to complain about your current circumstance, talk about the person that is really irritating you, etc..pray instead. Who can you be praying for more this advent? Choose someone or something to focus your prayers on this advent, and most especially in those moments. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Advent Challenge: Day 3

Today, take a few minutes to find a scripture verse, lyrics to a song, or a favorite quote that reminds you of who Jesus is in your life and encourages you to invite Him into each detail of your day...carry it with you, put it on your mirror, in your locker...somewhere that it will catch your eye throughout the day!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Advent Challenge: Day 2

Yesterday we were supposed to seek out ways that we saw Jesus' presence in our daily life.
Today, look at your day to day life and ask yourself how you could be spending more time with Jesus, Serving your community, or changing your attitude about little things. These are all ways that we can daily prepare our hearts during this season. Today, pick one act of service or spiritual discipline that you would like to work on throughout Advent. Write it down and put it somewhere so that it can be a daily reminder over the next few weeks!