Monday, March 15, 2010

Digital Drama?!

Ask any of the teens in St. Andrew's Youth Group to tell you one thing about me and I guarantee one of the first things out of their mouths will be "Joanna is addicted to her cell phone."
It is true, I cannot deny it. I have everything on my phone that I could possibly need in a day. Facebook, Twitter, is all there. Not only can I put anything out into cyberspace with one push of a button on my blackberry, but I can access what everyone else puts out into cyberspace as well. No questions asked.
Technology is amazing, but if it is not used wisely it can cause some serious damage. We don't like to think about it but it is true.
A great friend of mine just wrote an article that sums up what has been on my mind a lot lately. I could not have said it better myself if I tried!!!
Check out the scoop on DIGITAL DRAMA here:
Team Catholic: Digital Drama