Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Is He Calling You?

As I sit in my office this week preparing for our upcoming BBQ/Kick-Off for Youth Group I find my mind wandering off to the land of "what do I tell people when they ask how they can help?"
Sure, I have practical responses such as "we need people to help with meals" or "We can always use small group leaders for youth group on Sunday or chaperones/drivers for trips!" but when it comes to the big picture I struggle to find words for how important it is for everyone to get involved in any way that they can...according to their gifts and their talents.
We are in need of all of those things this year at St. Andrew's Youth Group but I ask you to prayerfully consider if God is asking YOU to serve the youth in some capacity. Here is a little tid bit I found today to get you started:

I am excited for what God has in store this year at St. Andrew's. I know that He is going to meet us and I hope that you will jump on board and get involved too!